Reclaim Open Learning

better online learning for higher ed

The Flipped University

September 20, 2013 by Courtney Santos

Valeriy Platonov, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The Flipped University: Education opened to Non-educators

The Flipped University means that Education is Open to Non-educational institutes (Non-educators). The flipped university is a development of the flipping idea (flipping the classroom, flipping the lecturing, flipping the teachering etc.) In the Flipped University the student’s internship is incorporated as an essential part of higher education process going ahead or in parallel with studies.

As an example we had experiences with a Science Internship program for 2nd and 3rd grade students within Russian universities since 1996. In the practice this school is training students in the school to apply knowledge in employment. In the Internship the employer is training students through practice at its own facility. The digital resources are incorporating into internship through wide use of online studies (courses, virtual internship) provided by non-educators for students.

Our project is presenting the needs of learners and the educational customers: research institutes, laboratories, industrial companies, small/medium business, startups etc., and significantly increases the job placement rate by colleges. From the project, we have found that the flipped university is the best way to make a career for students but does not fit all students. It best fits low-income, low-academic achievement students and motivated students.

There are still a questions of internship licensing as an essential part of higher educational program (at least in Russian legislation), of the employer’s motivation to participate in the internship (public support), and establishment of a cross-university agent (operator) for students and companies to be matched via internship. These questions are under examination.

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