Kati Lewis, Salt Lake Community College
David Hubert, Salt Lake Community College
Adam Dastrup, Salt Lake Community College
Suzanne Mozdy, Salt Lake Community College
Lisa Bickmore, Salt Lake Community College
Jason Pickavance, Salt Lake Community College
Learning, Teaching, and Reflecting with ePortfolios
Salt Lake Community College’s (SLCC) General Education ePortfolio Initiative is a course-level requirement located in our General Education program. Eportfolios have also been integrated in majors and CTE programs, outcomes assessment, and even other institutions of higher education in Utah. Students build one ePortfolio on a free Web 2.0 platform (Weebly, Google Sites, WordPress, etc.). They use their ePortfolios to showcase signature assignments and reflective writing from their Gen Ed courses, as well as their educational goals and extracurricular activities. The ePortfolio helps students become active and reflective learners through showcasing their work and reflecting on it. By providing a place for them share their best work with a variety of audiences (faculty, family, transfer universities, etc.), ePortfolios can be and have been used by students to provide authentic evidence of the entirety of their academic career. Many SLCC students have earned accolades, scholarships, and employment based on the work presented in their ePortfolios.
EPortfolios also provide a means for students to communicate their learning in the various ways that humans communicate: visually, spatially, aurally, gesturally, textually. Many faculty at SLCC invite their students to choose the modalities that best help them convey what they want to communicate as they complete assignments and projects. This allows for more authentic and experiential learning across our General Education curriculum. With the help of SLCC’s Publication Center, we encourage students to use other Web 2.0 platforms to create their assignments: BitStrips, Stripgenerator, Political Remix tools, Audacity, Lightworks, Pixlr, Picassa, Xtranormal, Infographic tools, ARCGIS tools, etc.
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Tags: alternative assessment, eportfolio
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